Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Besmirch this!

Saudi Arabian women are not allowed to drive.  Before you jump to conclusions, this is not a direct result of Islam.  It turns out that Islam, being thousands of years old, doesn't specifically say anything about whether women can drive.  In fact, Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim country that bans women from driving, and the ban was not enacted until 1990. 

Saudi women with valid driver's licenses in other countries are planning a protest on June 17th.  They intend to drive while under the influence of estrogen. 

In advance of the protest, a 32-year old  Manal Asharif  (called the Saudi Rosa Parks by Aol news, and pictured left) decided to drive, and to record herself doing so.  She then posted a video of her engaging in this illicit, immoral act on youtube.  Not surprisingly, she was arrested.  According to Human Rights Watch, the reason for the arrest was that she was, "...besmirching the kingdom's reputation abroad and stirring up public opinion."  Uh-huh. 

It's not just being forbidden from driving that makes Saudi Arabia a really awesome place for women.  Saudi women can't vote.  That sucks, right?  How about this?  They are also required to have a male guardian.  If you happen to have a vagina, your need your husband, brother or father to give his stamp of approval if you want to travel, open a bank account, have surgery, or do silly things like attend college or have a job.

I'm glad that Saudi women are protesting, but I don't really see how this is going to end well for them.  They are going to need more than just a grass roots protest to win back the God-given rights that have been stolen from them by their government.

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