Saturday, January 21, 2012

DOTW: Captain Cream Puff

Congratulations to Francesco Schettino, captain of the Costa Concordia.  He is undoubtedly guilty of looking like a total douchebag.

Heeeey, ladies!  You like the chest hair, no?
It is true that his woeful neglect of the top three four buttons on his shirt alone would qualify him for the honor of DOTW.  But he gets the title for his now famous, incredibly weenie-like performance after he caused the crash of his ship, killing at least twelve people.  The crash occurred because he veered miles off course in order to sail past an island and impress some of his buddies.  He engaged in all sorts of jackassery and general incompetence in the minutes after the accident.  But to me, his crowning glory was abandoning ship before all of the passengers were off. That's just a big no-no.  Now he is claiming that he didn't mean to abandon ship, but that he tripped and fell into a lifeboat.  Uhhh...

I think this guy would be better off to just go with: "It wasn't me."

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