Monday, January 10, 2011

A True Hero (and how sexism colors the way her story is told)

This is Patricia Maisch.  She was waiting to meet Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona when the shooting began last week. She is one of the people who tackled the gunman and she is the one who managed to wrestle the magazine away from the gunman as he attempted to reload.  This act undoubtedly saved lives.  She also applied first aid to a person who was shot in the head after the gunman was disarmed.  She is a hero, and a general, all-around bad-ass.

Here is some of the text from today's article.

(CNN) -- Within seconds after the shooting began, at least one man who was grazed by a bullet grabbed the gunman, a middle-aged woman snatched ammunition away from him, and a group of people held him down while another man grabbed the gun out of his hand, a man and a woman who helped subdue the shooter told CNN Sunday.
"What really scared me," Zamudio said, was seeing a middle-aged, "maybe elderly woman," wrestling the next magazine away from the gunman. "

Can I just ask why the ages of none of the men are identified in your article CNN?  Hmmm?  How old does a woman have to be to get "marked" in this way?  How old would a man have to be for his age to be notable?

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